Outsource Your Car Purchase and De-Stress Your Life
You may be one of those people who enjoy a good haggle with a car salesperson. Then again, you might also enjoy going to the dentist, so that may disqualify you for this tip. Most people don’t come out on top in a match with a car salesperson, and so many would do everything they can to avoid having to deal with one. One option that an increasing number of car buyers are turning to is outsourcing, that is hiring a car buying service to do all of the dirty work for you.
The idea of a car buying service is simple you simply supply your preferences and parameters and they use their dealer connections and networks to find you the best deal. All you need to do is show up and sign the papers. Car buying services are available in several different forms. The ones you should avoid are the brokers who earn their fees from the car dealers as that presents an obvious conflict of interest. Some credit unions offer these services and you can find car brokers who conduct your search for a fee paid directly to them, so you know that they are working for you. It may cost you about $500 for the service, but, if you have been through any number of car buying experiences, that can be a huge bargain.