Want to Save on a Car Purchase? Focus on Function
Automobile advertisements tend to favor form over function, showing flashy cars that will look great in the driveway. However, much more important than looks or style is function. Do you commute? Do you have a number of people in your family? Do you need high gas mileage? Before you choose a car, think about how you will use that car. “Flash” wears off fairly quickly, but how the car functions lasts forever (or at least until you sell the car). Start by identifying what you need in a vehicle, then focus on price, and then focus on style. This is not to say that the more expensive models can’t provide lasting function – as a matter of fact, many are highly rated for it. Just be wary of paying or overpaying for function you may not need (i.e., some of the hi-tech safety features being introduced on high-end vehicles).